Friday, December 16, 2011



Friday, December 2, 2011

Pronunciation Exercise Cycle 2: どうでしたか?!

So... Now is the time to reflect on PE Cycle 2. How did I do?

I said that I would complete two extra shadowing exercises during this cycle. I did listen to the extra shadowing exercises, but I did not record and submit them. I will do so tomorrow without fail.

I also said that I would attend the Japanese table at least once. Although I have had a conflict every week, I have finally managed to arrange my schedule so that I am able to attend! I will be attending this week. I would really like to meet Makino Sensei.

I said that I would listen to Japanese music while I worked. I have been able to do this, but I have found that listening to music doesn't really help me get a sense of word pitch or prosody, really, which are the two areas of pronunciation in which I am the weakest.

PE Cycle 3 Goals:
In order to help my prosody and pitch issues, I have resolved to listen to the textbook CDs instead of listening to Japanese music. I think this will be much more useful for me, particularly when it comes to plain form questions... Which are so difficult to say with correct pitch.

Also, I will attend the Japanese table at least twice. And I will take a picture with Makino Sensei! ^_^

Thirdly, I will be really ambitious and I will do ALL of the extra shadowing assignments to make up for my slacking in that area. Yay!