Friday, October 28, 2011

Pronunciation Exercise Cycle 1: どうでしたか?!

Well, it's the night before fall break officially begins for me. I'm packing for my flight home tomorrow. Doing some laundry. Tidying up my wreck of a room.

And now I'm going to reflect on my shadowing exercises. What did I do?

Well, I realized that I never outlined specific STEPS, per se, that I was going to take to fulfill the goals I enumerated on my previous pronunciation exercise post. So I will tell you the steps that I did take to improve my Japanese pronunciation.

1. I sang the "ぼくはくま" song several times.
2. I watched Japanese TV on a few occasions.
3. I studied my butt off for the midterm oral exam and managed to write memorize a super-long and complicated dialogue.
4. I have been faithfully doing the lab activity homework and completing the shadowing exercises.

Here is what I intended to do, but did not do:

1. I planned on attending the にほんごのテーブル this week. But unfortunately, midterm stress and a desperate need to study didn't allow that to happen. -_-
2. I also planned on doing some extra shadowing exercises. This did not happen because currently, I am struggling to do the minimum amount of work for all my courses, let alone extra work.
3. I planned to find some rad Japanese music and jam out to it while I did work. This did not happen, but I am not giving up hope.

Now, I am supposed to tell you how I thought my midterm oral exam went today.

... Well...

I don't think it went badly. Ko-san and I had a very elaborate dialogue planned out. We went to Sato-sensei's office hours and rehearsed it. Sato-sensei said that the character of Suzuki-san would be a very shy character who would only jump in at a few random times. It seemed as though this portion of the exam would be low-key.
However, Shibata-sensei was a much more aggressive Suzuki-san! I was a little intimidated, plus I was running on four hours of sleep. I suppose I should have worked harder on my grammar patterns. But I did my best, and that's all I can hope for! I hope Ko-san and I receive a good grade for all of our hard work.

Now, I will tell you what my goals are for Pronunciation Exercise Cycle 2.

1. I will attend にほんごのテーブル at least twice during the next cycle.
2. I will do at least two supplementary shadowing exercises.
3. I will listen to some Japanese music in my free time or while doing work.

I don't think these are unreasonable goals.
I will also continue to watch a little Japanese TV. And do my homework, of course.

I can do this!


1 comment:

  1. エーミ、エーミ。らんだなひとですね!やすみになにをしましたか。 (^_o) I'll post again when you've decided to enlighten us.. yes, yes... I'm demanding.
