Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Emmy Williams in a Nutshell



... And that's about all the Japanese I can use for now! I hope that'll do for an introduction.

Welcome to my blog! My name is Emmy Williams, and I'm a freshman taking Japanese 101 at Princeton University. I'm originally from South Carolina, but I was born in Japan. If everything goes according to plan (although, when does that actually happen?), I'll be majoring in chemistry here at Princeton.
In my spare time, I like playing piano, singing, and taking long walks on the beach. Just kidding! I'd rather take a nap than a long walk on the beach.

I am so psyched to be learning Japanese! You see, my father is a professor of Japanese language, and I don't speak it nearly as fluently as I'd like to.
(Think about how cool it will be in the future to speak Japanese with him in front of my friends. It's like a secret code!)

I have been to Japan many times and even attended school there, so I really don't have an excuse for not speaking it. I LOVE everything about Japan: the food, the people, the culture. So hopefully I'll learn to love the language as well.

I'm particularly excited to be able to expand my Japanese vocabulary. I don't know very many words in Japanese, particularly verbs, and that significantly stifles my language ability.

So far, the most difficult aspect of Japanese 101 for me is its fast pace. I hope I'll be able to keep up. Fingers crossed!

I hope y'all enjoy reading about my adventures in Japanese 101. I'll try not to be too awfully boring.



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